About us

Burlington, Vermont
Afillio is an affiliate marketing business based in Burlington, Vermont.
Our goal is to make affiliate marketing as simple as possible.
How it works
"Vendor" refers to the person listing their products on Afillio
"Affiliate" refers to the person marketing Vendors' products on Afillio

Why become a Vendor?

Afillio allows for extensive advertisement and direct to consumer sales with no overhead cost. If you have a smaller business, this allows you to get your foot in the door and start building a community around your brand without paying expensive advertising fees. If you have a larger business with an existing community, you can also benefit from allowing people who are passionate about your products to market them and make commission.

Become a Vendor

Why become an Affiliate?

Afillio makes affiliate marketing as simple as possible in order to make it accessible to the average person. No longer does one need to go through extensive sign up processes or have thousands of followers to successfully affiliate market. Simply, sign up on Afillio and start marketing products you are passionate about to friends, family, and more.

How it works

Our team

William Suratt

I graduated from Essex High School (Essex, VT) in 2020 and am currently a sophomore at the University of Southern California majoring in Computer Science and Business Administration, while also interning at Giant Partners (Thousand Oaks, CA) as a software engineer. I also have prior experience in mobile app development, having developed and published multiple apps supporting small businesses and internet personalities.

Nathan Lesny

I am a student at Essex High School, and I will graduate in the Spring of 2023. I plan to go to college to gain a bachelor's degree in computer science and math. I had an internship through Dealer.com, while also having prior experience in the development and advertisement of mobile applications.